Book Reviews

Prasad Modak caricature

Circular Economy (CE) is an umbrella framework that gives impetuous to different resource effciency strategies such as reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, etc. There has been substantial growth in the concept of CE, and many interpretations and approaches have emerged to implementation of CE in many sectors. Hence, there was a need for the book which could elaborate on the existing and futuristic practices and models of CE. 

The book “Practicing Circular Economy” from Dr. Prasad Modak very aptly fills this gap. The book covers all the essential aspects of CE. The book starts with the first chapter on current global challenges related to sustainability and introduces CE. Important issues such as ecological footprint, resource consumption, and decoupling challenge are discussed in this chapter. Subsequently, key concepts and programmes in the environmental management domain that led to CE development are discussed in Chapter 2. The chapter is beneficial for both the novice in this field and those who know the domain but can refer to all the key concepts chronologically presented in the second chapter. Chapter 3 presents important tools and methods such as Material Flow Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, and Systems Dynamics required to plan, implement and monitor the CE. Then Chapter 4 describes 12Rs of CE using case studies representing different geographies, scales, and diverse sectors. 

Chapter 5 and 6 describe two main strategies for achieving CE. In Chapter 5 how product durability can be extended through reuse, repair, and refurbish. This chapter also emphasizes the role of behavioral changes in society and industry to extend durability through case studies. In Chapter 6 strategies for closing the loop are outlined with case studies. The chapter explicitly discusses the required infrastructure and economic instruments needed to enable CE using the closing the loop strategies. The role of informal organizations in recycling of waste streams is also discussed. 

Selected sectoral initiatives and national as well international case studies are then discussed in Chapter 7. The CE opportunities and changes in critical sectors such as textiles, steel, and agriculture are discussed. Chapter 8 covers Innovative and emerging business models that can accelerate the implementation of CE, which is an important aspect of CE. Chapter 9 focus on financing options for CE and pinpoints the importance of innovation. This chapter is useful for practitioners and entrepreneurs to plan innovative CE initiatives.  

Chapter 10 describes the required governance structures for CE, which is really useful for policymakers and governing bodies. Key policies and regulations to push CE in various sectors are described using exciting case studies. This chapter also highlights the need for policy impact assessment using tools such as Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment or System Dynamics. 

The last Chapter 11 provides further insights and outlines a way forward for planning, strategizing and implementing CE. The importance of measuring the CE and different metrics that can be used are described in this chapter. The connection between CE and UN Sustainable Development Goals is also highlighted. The chapter ends with the impact of COVID-19 on UN-SDGs and how CE can help to rejuvenate the economy in such a global pandemic situation. 

Overall, each chapter in the book is structured very well, with boxes highlighting key information on the chapter topic or describing case studies. Also, each chapter provides activities for class work and additional readings that perfectly align with the teaching needs of graduate programmes in any university. The book is also highly recommended for practitioners and policymakers to understand the CE and initiate innovative CE programmes.